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Standard 7: Look for & Make Use of Structure

Clip 7/21: Standard 7: Look for & Make Use of Structure Using Fractions 2C


Mathematically proficient students look closely to discern a pattern or structure.

Students continue to create sets of cards that match each other (Green: Set or Area Model, White: Verbal Representation, Dark Blue: Contextual / Word Problem, Yellow: Justification). Michelle Makinson asks pairs to explain the connections between the cards. She challenges students to persevere in grappling with a scenario working with 22/12. The class works with incomplete sets of 12 and incomplete wholes, recognizing that students seek to make connections to real life and become confused about how an improper fraction works in reality. The students create connections between the representations based on their observations of patterns and structures. This clip also relates and standard 6 (attend to precision).

See this video in the context of an entire lesson.

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