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Standard 6: Attend to Precision

Clip 18/43: Standard 6: Attend to Precision Using Decimals Part 2D


Mathematically proficient students try to communicate precisely to others….In the elementary grades, students give carefully formulated explanations to each other.

Erika Isomura’s 5th-grade students continue to work in pairs to classify, sort, and glue down decimal representations in numerical order. Erika circulates around the classroom, engaging students in sharing their thinking. She says to one pair “This could be our prototype. This is our test run. We're kind of working on it, thinking. After we have some new ideas and maybe we have some better understanding of what we're doing, we can always come back into it. Okay?” This clip also relates to standard 3 (construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others) and standard 7 (look for and make use of structure).

See this video in the context of an entire lesson.

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