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8th Grade Math – Coordinate Geometry, Logical Reasoning, Justification and Proof

Clip 3/11: Coordinate Geometry Lesson Part 3


After pre-reading the scenario and generating their own questions that might be asked of the scenario and its quantities, Antoinette Villarin distributes a prompt to her eighth-grade students and asks the students to read it and begin to solve part one of the scenario with a strategy that they will share with the class. Antoinette reminds the students that they may use various materials: “graph paper, rulers, supplies as you need it.”  

She asks them to identify a “starting strategy” for how someone might approach the problem, by first writing the approach, and then by sharing it with their partner.

Teacher Commentary

A lot of times, I'll go around and they'll have calculations on just an activity that we did earlier in the week. I had asked one student, “Where did you get that equation and what does that number represent?” And then she told me. I'm like, “Okay, perfect. Why don't you label it? Even if you don't write a sentence, label that. So it's connected to, like, the right triangle that we were looking at.” I try to push them to think deeply and communicate it clearly to a non-geometry student.

Materials & Artifacts